Easter Rites are among the most felt (and attended) events in Taranto, Apulia, Southern Italy. Holy Week Rites are essential in defining both culture and religion through a tradition dating back to 1703, which has turned a religious procession into an event involving the whole local population. Every year, from Palm Sunday to Easter, processions and rites take place in Taranto, and people are all highly emotionally touched and involved.
Brothers from the confraternities walk in couples, very slowly, swinging from left to right and back, with a particular kind of step called “nazzecata” in the local dialect. Our Lady of Sorrows is carried in procession, and the population follows.
This is a very significant event in our country.

HOLY WEEK RITES IN TARANTO is a joint work co-signed by Claudia Ioan & Massimiliano Tuveri as Officine Creative Italiane.

Taranto (Apulia, Italy), 2015





The place looks like a desert space station, when we go there for the first time.

An empty, white space: corridors, canteen, day rooms all seem to be uninhabited, unoccupied. Yet, there are many people concentrated in this sort of beehive of containers.

Following the 2016 earthquake, the residents of Pieve Torina (Macerata,  Italy) have been evacuated en masse; the village has been irreparably destroyed.

Part of the population has been transferred into this temporary citadel of containers, near the village. A surreal setting, proving vaguely dystopian: endless rows of  containers.

Crowd and loneliness. Promiscuity and absence. A thousand stories interwined here, inside these tiny cells. A special form of union, forced by the circumstances. A transitory family, becoming alive at meal times, between a lost yesterday and a tomorrow still to be defined.



Il luogo assomiglia a una stazione spaziale deserta, quando ci rechiamo lì per la prima volta.

Uno spazio vuoto, bianco: corridoi, mensa e sale comuni sembrano disabitati. E invece sono tante, le persone che vivono concentrate in questo alveare di container.

A seguito del sisma del 2016, gli abitanti di Pieve Torina (MC) sono stati evacuati in massa; le abitazioni sono quasi tutte inagibili e il centro storico del paese praticamente coincide con la zona rossa, irrecuperabile.

Parte della popolazione è stata trasferita in questa cittadella temporanea di container, ai margini del paese. Un’ambientazione surreale, vagamente distopica: file e file di container affastellati gli uni agli altri, senza una fine apparente.

Folla e solitudine. Promiscuità e assenza. Sono mille, le vicende di vita che si intrecciano qui, all’interno di queste celle microscopiche. Un universo composito, incredibilmente e inevitabilmente umano: una forma speciale di unione, forzosa, imposta dalle circostanze.

Una famiglia transitoria, che si rianima solo ad orario secondo la scansione immutabile dei pasti e del sonno, di passaggio tra uno ieri irrimediabilmente perduto e un domani ancora da definire.

Pieve Torina (MC, Italy), 2017



This is a selection of photographs from our project.




No man’s lands, green fragments within the urban space, on the boundary between man’s imprint and his absence. They are the product of the tension between the anthropic element and neglect, where nature silently regains possession of what man abandons or overlooks.

Urban corners, sometimes invisible or daily assimilated by the eye, carriers of an acquired ordinariness of landscape: they do not even show the sign of a struggle between re-emerging biodiversity and the greyness of concrete, deteriorating but

resisting. “Fragment indécidé du jardin planetarie”: this is how Gilles Clément defined the Third Landscape, the undetermined fragment of the planetary garden consisting in the whole

of the places given back to nature by man’s neglect.

Our vision aims at describing the shift along the city’s threshold affecting co-existing forms of life. This is the point of maximum expansion (and subsequent stop) of the urban element, but also of nature where it borders on concrete. Searching for intersections at the mutual end of the line of an illusory conquest.

Rome (Italy) 2017


FRAGMENTS INDÉCIDÉS, by Officine Creative Italiane (Claudia Ioan & Massimiliano Tuveri), exploring the Third Landscape in the suburban areas of our capital city, on HELD Collective.

Currently on exhibition at Museo Civico Palazzo Della Penna, Perugia, Italy.

Under exclusive license: Doka Photography. Limited edition Fine Art prints (48+2) available via Doka Photography

HELD Collective

Schermata 2018-01-02 alle 19.16.39

Honoured to be a member of HELD Collective, an international collective of social & documentary photographers, officially launching January 1st 2018.
HELD Collective will provide global coverage of all types of visual storytelling, in every country that each photographer represents, bringing it into the real & tactile world with bi-annual zines and annual books & exhibitions in every country represented.
Also check HELD Projects for submissions.
Please follow us on https://heldcollectiveblog.wordpress.com and all social media.